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UPDATED 31st October 2007
SEP 2007 |
CTC Exeter group had a bit of a change on 16th September with an Off-Road ride on Dartmoor. Eight riders set out on a route that covered Grimspound, Natsworthy, and Bennets Cross. A full report of the days events can be viewed if you << CLICK HERE >> |
SEP 2007 | HALF
A BILLION SAVINGS: The British taxpayer could be saved more than £520m over the next decade if more cyclists are encouraged back onto the nation’s roads according to a new report released today. Cycling England – the body charged by the government to encourage more people to cycle more safely and more often – says a 20% increase in journeys by bike would trim down healthcare costs while cutting congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. In their report, 'Valuing the Benefits of Cycling', the body estimates that, through an annual investment of £70m in cycling initiatives, up to 54 million car journeys a year could be reduced by 2012. This proposed decrease would subsequently cut CO2 emissions by 35,000 tonnes. According to their findings, an adult who swaps a car for a bicycle on a return journey of 2.5 miles (the average cycle trip) could make an annual saving of £137.28 through reduced congestion. What’s more, the typical cyclist saves the NHS £28.30 per year. The study, undertaken by SQW Consulting, says that if the number of cycle journeys returns to 1995 levels (currently down 20% - from 43 journeys per person per year to 36), then by 2015 around £523m could be saved. The breakdown of this figure takes in premature adult deaths (£107m), adult NHS costs (£52m), absence from work (£87m), pollution (£71m), congestion (£207m). "There are very few activities that tackle so many of the things that the government is concerned about, from health and obesity to government and pollution," claims Phillip Darnton, chairman of Cycling England. "An investment of £70m is small in terms of government spending, and this study shows that it will work." |
SEP 2007 |
Dates have been set for the AGM's for the sections and the DA. Please turn up and support the meetings even you don't want to get involved with a role. There are many fundamental changes to the structures of the local CTC groups happening next year, and this will be an opportunity to find out what's going on, and also for you to tell us what you want from your local CTC. |
SEP 2007 |
The date has been set for this years DA Dinner - It will be on Saturday 1st December , and the venue is the Grange Restaurant at Buckfast Abbey. The evening is being organised by South Hams CTC section, and you'll need to contact Bill Barnes or your section secretary if you want tickets - further information, prices/menu etc. will be available soon. |
SEP 2007 | Dusty
day on the Dorset Dirt. Several Devon riders went up to Dorchester at the weekend to take part in the Dorset Dirt off road ride. There was a large entry this year, and the riders set out on the traditioanl route on a cloudy morning, but with some bright sunshine breaking through by the time the riders reached Henley and the "Gaggle O'Geese" for lunch. The promised drizzle arrived after lunchtime but was only enough to dampen the very dry and dusty ground, - the route was even drier tan in 2006, with dust being quite a problem if riding in a bunch. Pictures and some video of the event are avaialble via the following links:
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SEP 2007 |
cyclists flock to see Tour of Britian Stage 2 on Devon's border.
SEP 2007 |
Hams rides prove popular again. |
SEP 2007 | Highwayman
- 2007-8 edition renewals are due. Subscription renewals are due for the next 10 issues of "The Highwayaman" - The Devon CTC colour magazine. This year has seen some bumper issues, but with rising paper, ink and production costs, the cover price has had to increase this year to cover losses - however an annual subscription saves you money, and save the club wasteage. |
2SEP 2007 | Tour
of Britain on Devons border next week. Next Tuesday ( 11th September) the Tour of Britain arrives in Somerset. The race stage starts at Yeovilton with a King of The Mountain section on the Toll Road at Porlock Hill. A large contingent of local CTC riders will be travelling on the day to watch the stage. Full details on the Tours website: http://www.tourofbritain.co.uk |
SEP 2007 |
Riders sign up for South Hams events.
AUG 2007 | South
West riders beat the deluge to arrive in Paris. Another PBP is over - weary riders will return to the UK soon, with no doubt some tales of the suffering and the glory. Accounts so far are of a very wet event particularly through Brittany. Danny from Kernow Audax packed on the way out, and there's no news of his colleague Dave who is last shown on the web tracker at Fougeres. Chris Bennett finally made it to St.Quentin (Paris) at 17.54 Ian Weatherill, Andy Hamlyn, Rod Pash, Chris Bennett, Ken Middlemiss, David Johnston, Steve Dart and Ian Hennessey are all shown as reaching Paris during this morning and this afternoon. You can see much about the ride on www.parisbrestparis.tv Summary of ride times and stats. from the PBP website listed at SWAUKS ![]() |
AUG 2007 | PBP
riders on home-run, (but in poor weather.) Over half of the SW contingent of riders on the 1200Km Paris-Brest-Paris have reached Brest. The cut off time is around now ( 2pm Tues) when they need to begin the return leg back to Paris. Ken Middlemiss was at Brest by 9 this morning and is well on the way back. Danny Mc.Kernan has packed at Loudeac, but all the rest appear to still be running. Apparently it's raining heavily in Brittany tonight so this will be a challenge, and it also tends to hinder riders trying to take a rest break if they are soaking wet
AUG 2007 |
Paris-Brest-Paris - SW riders depart. Update 0000 21st Aug.
AUG 2007 |
The coast should be a perfect place to cycle, but we’re only allowed to cycle on 7% of England's coastline. The Government wants to create an ‘access corridor’ around the entire English coastline – but is only thinking of walkers. Cyclists and other non-motorised users have been left out CTC wants cyclists to be included, and the Government has asked us to show "demand and opportunities" for coastal cycling. We want to hear about all the places you'd love to cycle, if only you had the chance! Click below to fill in a simple form, to tell the Government that you want more coastal cycling, and to let them know where you'd like to cycle. The consultation closes on September 11th - and please don't leave it till the last moment! <<SIGN UP TO THE CAMPAIGN HERE>> |
AUG 2007 | SW
riders on final countdown for Paris-Brest-Paris
JUL 2007 |
It was a mainly fine weekend end for the visit of Bicycology to Exeter. Bicycology is an "environmentally friendly" group who hold events in celebration of "the bike", and try to promote "green issues" an heighten awareness of "climate change". Their recent excursion took them from Aylesbury to Exeter. |
JUL 2007 |
70th celebrations. Congratulations to Jean Brierly - our DA Magazine Producer on her 70th Birthday. Jean has a lifelong association with the CTC, and has spent countless hours producing the regular publication along with other posts in the local CTC. Jean is also recovering from a recent hip operation which has put her out of action as far as cycling goes. She hopes to be a bit more mobile in about three weeks time. |
JUL 2007 |
Rod Pash, Chris Bennett, and Andrew Hamlyn are three riders who have been pounding out the miles to prepare for the 1200Km Paris-Brest-Paris ride at the end of August. Around 5000 cyclists from Audax clubs around the globe will convene in Paris on 20th August and commence the westward journey across Northern France to the coast at Brest and then return. For Chris and Andrew it will the first time they have tackled the big ride |
JUL 2007 |
Devon CTC representatives have written to Devon County Council Highways expressing grave concerns over the re-design of the road layout near Deep Lane, Plympton. The junction was already heavily trafficked and difficult to cross by cycle, with the re-engineering the road has been made wider and faster, with a wide sweeping filter lane to enter the A38 Plymouth bound, an no provision at all has been made to enable cyclists to cross safely. What has frustrated cyclists is that the marked "Exeter - Plymouth" cycleroute crosses this junction, and if you come from the Brixton direction the facility to turn right into the old A38 has been removed, forcing cyclists to continue on to and around a fast wide roundabout, and return. Also the "T" junction back onto the A38 Westbound has been replaced with a long sweeping filter lane similar to those on the Expressway. There have already been several fatalities to cyclists on the A38 when riders have been caught in the "filter lane trap". << CLICK HERE >> for more Views & News on this topic. |
JUL 2007 |
visit to Exeter - this weekend.
JUL 2007 |
Thank you again to all who have sent money for Breakthrough Breast Cancer. Some, we know, preferred to wait until we have completed the challenge. Others have collected from their own friends and family. We would be grateful to receive any such money on behalf of Breakthrough either by cheque payable to Breakthrough Breast Cancer to us at Middle Barn or, if you prefer, safely and securely by visiting www.justgiving.com/ireneanddavidroth at your earliest convenience. |
JUL 2007 |
Terry Venn from Torbay CTC is seventy years old on August 1st. The CTC evening ride is to the Weary Ploughman at Churston where we will toast the not so weary Terry on his Birthday. Sandwiches have been ordered along with fine summer weather. Congratulations Terry from your friends in the Torbay CTC. |
JUL 2007 |
Rob Swayne from Torbay CTC celebrated his 65th Birthday recently. The date coincided with the CTC Barbeque at the Anchor Inn in Chudleigh, but he had a 60 mile ride to celebrate the occassion on 21st July. Congratulations Rob from your friends in the Torbay CTC |
JUL 2007 |
Transport consultants ban cycling! Earlier this month a large consultancy with a specialism in sustainable transport advice banned staff from travelling on bicycles or motorbikes because they say they are too dangerous. Jacobs Babtie's clients include Transport for London. In an e-mail to all employees, a copy of which has been obtained by The Times, the company's health and safety manager says: "It's patently obvious that if you are struck by a wayward vehicle when you are on a bicycle or motorbike you are going to be more severely affected than if you were in a car. The reason for this policy is to protect our employees from other vehicles on the road"" |
JUL 2007 |
Cyclehero July
14th -22nd is "Cyclehero" week, launched by CTC with an intercative
DVD and a video being shown at cinemas all over the UK highlighting the
problem of climate change chaos and the role that cycling can play. |
JUL 2007 |
cycletracks It's
midsummer and the cycletrack from Newton Abbot to Bovey Tracey is waterlogged. Although
the weather has been very wet, the location and construction of the track
makes it liable to flooding and there are warning signs advising cyclists
not to use it when river levels are rising. |
JUL 2007 |
18th July - Bike stolen from Saddles & Paddles - Exeter We've
had a request to look out for a stolen bike: |
JUL 2007 |
On 13th July 1967, on Stage 13 of the Tour De France, Tommy Simpson collapsed and died whilst climbing the Mont Ventoux. As team mate Colin Lewis approached the collapsed rider his team orders were to continue, - only later on did they find out the the first Briton ever to have worn the Yellow Jersey on the Tour De France, and to have finished in the top ten, had died. His death had been caused by a combination of dehydration from the extreme heat, exacerbated by a diuretic combination of alcohol and amphetamines. This year Colin from Bovey Tracey has travelled to France and will visit the site of Tommys death, and pay tribute to one of the great legends of Cycling. |
JUL 2007 |
West exodus to see the Tour De France Trains
from the South West were full with cyclists going up to see the Tour De
France last weekend.
JUL 2007 |
Tour prepares to depart from London. Several
local CTC members are travelling to London this weeknd to enjoy the spectacle
of the Tour De France leaving the capital.
# Devon CTC are not responsible for other external sites that we may link to. |
JUL 2007 |
turnout for Devon Delight and Torplex 200 rides. Despite
a rigorous publicity camapaign and high expectations, entries for the
Devon Delight and Torplex 200Km rides were well down on the previous year. |
JUN 2007 |
South East Trains "TDF Bike Ban" revoked after CTC pressure. As if anyone needed
reminding what country we live in - South East Trains took the opportunity
to totally ban bikes during the weekend of 7th and 8th July when the Tour
De France was being staged in London and Kent. |
JUN 2007 |
National Bike Week - Devon CTC at Exeters "Cycle Sunday" Exeter CTC manned
adisplay stand at Exeter Quay ( Plaza Terracinna) as part of Exeter's
"Cycle Sunday" event for Bike Week.
JUN 2007 |
Devon Delight & Torplex 200 Entries rolling in. With ten days to go
entries are rolling in for the Torplex 200Km and Devon Delight Audax rides.
JUN 2007 |
Newton cyclist attacked for NOT riding on the pavement! A 15 year old boy
in Newton Abbot was knocked to the ground by the driver of a silver VW
Passat last weekend, because he was not riding on the pavement. The driver apparently
shouted at the rider to get on to the pavement but when thye boy refused
the driver pushed him on to the pavement causing cuts and bruises to his
JUN 2007 |
Exmouth Exodus
JUN 2007 |
World class bike event cancelled There was great disappointment
last weekend when the new BMX Slopestlye event had to be cancelled because
of poor weather.
JUN 2007 |
at the Dartmoor Classic Cyclo - and photo galleries. Hundreds of photo's of the dartmoor Classic Cyclosportif are now on line:
<< CLICK HERE >> for photos of local CTC riders on the classic and here for Youtube videos . ![]() |
JUN 2007 |
bombardment continues. CTC have sought advice from the authorities, but the only advice offered is for cyclists to wear helmets and to avoid the routes, but there are growing concerens the the continuation of the raptors activities could become a lot more serious. |
JUN 2007 |
Riders find a Welcombe in North Devon. Six riders completed
the Coast to Coast on Sunday 3rd June on a cool grey day with a few showers
of light rain.
There are concerns for this weekends Coast to Coast ride by Torbay CTC. The planned route to Welcombe Mouth takes the riders near to the area where the attacks are happening, but a route to avoid the main road where there have been many reports has been chosen, and it's hoped that this will avoid any potential incident. CTC have called on local authorities and bodies to try and do something about the problem. Although the bird of prey is protected, the longer the attacks continue, the more likely it is that there could be a serious accident resulting from an attack, on one of Devons' main holiday routes. << MAD BUZZARD PAGE >> |