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JAN 2007 |
who refused to stay in the gutter - No case to answer: 27-Jan-07 A cyclist who was found guilty last year of inconsiderate cycling, whilst cycling in accordance with the National Standard for cycle training, has today won a re-trial at Shrewsbury Crown Court. CTC member Daniel Cadden was cycling fast downhill on a single-lane carriageway when he was stopped by police who believed that the position he had taken in his lane was forcing cars to cross the solid white line in the centre of the road illegally in order to overtake. But rather than stop the cars that had broken the law, the officers decided to charge Daniel Cadden with inconsiderate cycling. The judge and two magistrates accepted the arguments put forward by Cadden’s barrister, Francis Fitzgibbon, that there was no legal obligation for cyclists to use cycle tracks, that the police’s evidence did not support the alleged offence and that causing only a short delay to drivers did not constitute “inconsiderate cycling”. ![]() |
JAN 2007 |
The Grange Restauarant at Buckfast is a bike friendly place, and reckoned to be the second best cycle refreshment stop in the country! Unfortuantely even the presence of the nearby Benedictine Monks is not sufficient to deter opportunist thieves from operating there, and recently a member of a Plymouth club lost a £1500 machine. Riders are strongly advised to lock bikes when stopping at cafes for a break, and where possible park the bikes in a compound, or somewhere where they can be viewed. |
JAN 2007 |
Recent years have seen an increase in the variety and numbers of cafes and restaurants used by the CTC and other local clubs. To assist with ride and tour planning Kirby James of Exeter CTC has produced an on-line and printable guide to cafe stops in the area - an essential part of a sociable bike ride. From gift and craft shops,country houses to old mills and tea rooms, the listing gives details and locations of dozens of establishments used by local riders. To view the listings <<CLICK HERE>> The list is an ongoing work, so if you think you know seomewhere useful and welcoming to add then let us know. |
JAN 2007 |
from the website of Devon County Council:# THERE was disappointment for Devon today when the Government confirmed the new grant settlement for 2007/8 without any increase for road maintenance. It means Devon will receive £49 per person LESS grant than the average for English counties - a massive £36 million LESS funding for public services across the county. Leader of Devon County Council, Brian Greenslade, said: "Devon County Council is responsible for the biggest road network in the country at nearly 8,000 miles long. It beggars belief that the Government has not given any increase for road maintenance. When added to price increases in the previous two years, the gap between Government provision and council budgets has widened significantly." He added: "How the Government chooses to share out grants is vital to reducing the Council Tax burden on Devon people, but this grant settlement perpetuates the injustice in the current system. If Devon received just the average grant for English counties it would be equivalent to cutting average Council Tax bills in the county by over £130. # Devon CTC are not responsible for other external sites that we may link to. _________________________________________________________________
JAN 2007 |
550 riders signed up for Dartmoor Cyclosportif. The
inaugural Dartmoor Classic Cyclosportif takes place on 13th May 2007.
Already 550 riders have entered the ride, which is hoped to attract all
abilities of ridres from Elite to Novice. www.dartmoorclassic.co.uk |
DEC 2006 |
CADDEN'S CASE: AN UPDATE Since the guilty verdict against Daniel Cadden for "inconsiderate cycling", Daniel has received legal advice that he stands a very good chance of having the verdict against him overturned at a retrial. He has decided to proceed with this, and the Fund has agreed to support him. We were hoping to be able to tell you the date of the appeal. However, that has still to be determined The retrial itself would simply be a re-hearing of the evidence, as if the previous trial had not happened - in other words, it is simply a re-presentation of the original evidence, and not a presentation of new arguments aimed at showing that the original District Judge's verdict was in some way flawed. Moreover, the decision at retrial, like the decision in the original trial, is made purely on the facts of the specific case in question, rather than by consideration of any wider legal principles (that bit comes later!). In other words, District Judge (DJ) Bruce Morgan's conclusion that Cadden was guilty of "inconsiderate cycling" was not based on a view that there is some general rule that cyclists should ride on cycle tracks where provided (there clearly is no such rule - at least not in the current version of the Highway Code); rather that, in this specific case (i.e. where the carriageway was narrow, a small queue was building up behind him, the speed limit was 60mph and there was an adjacent cycle track), it was "inconsiderate" of Cadden not to use the cycle track provided on the opposite side of the road. |
DEC 2006 |
"feelgood" factor. |
DEC 2006 |
Pedestrian killed in collision with cyclist at Princetown. A cyclist & pedestrian were involved in a collision on the road at Hessary Drive in Princetown ( Near the Prison) The accident occured at 8.55 am on Friday 8th December, when a male cyclist and female pedestrian collided. The female died in hospital as a result of her injuries on the following day. Indications are that this was a tragic accident, but as Princetown is a very small community the issue is a sensitive one, it's best not to speculate, as further information will become available following police investigations |
DEC 2006 |
EU law could endanger the lives of cyclists and pedestrians. Volvo drivers <<CLICK HERE>> |
NOV 2006 |
grants for South Devon Cycling Clubs. Mid
Devon Cycling Club and the Bikinmotion CC have both been allocated generous
cash grants to support their work in coaching and supporting young cyclists. |
NOV 2006 |
firm puts up £20,000 for safer/easier cyling. Hamish Renton, manager of Riviera Desserts in Paignton has allocated £20000 which the company had to spend on local infrasructure as part of it's factory expansion, to be used to improve and upgrade cycle routes in the locality. Employees at the firms are encouraged to cycle and walk to work where possible, and benefit from a 10% discount at Colin Lewis Cycles, and the company also provide free loans to employees to buy bikes, with over 50 bikes already provided under the scheme. |
NOV 2006 |
DA Secretary & President. Devon has a new DA Secretary. Nicole Pethybridge from Ivybridge has taken on the role from Kevin Presland who was elected as the new DA President at the AGM on 11th November. There were also some other chnages in post within the DA, - Kirby James has taken on the job of Exeter Section secretary. |
NOV 2006 |
75th Dinner celebrations.
Check out: www.2wheels.org.uk |
NOV 2006 |
Ten Commandments.
Torbay held a club ride to the Ten Commandments stones at Buckland Beacon. In 1956 the club also had a ride to the rocks, and took a photo of the assembled riders, so Torbay decided to do a repeat of the photo - fifty years on. By coincidence thesame number of riders arrived at the beacon 50 years on. Click the camera to see more shots of the sunny mornings ride.
NOV 2006 |
Technology takes off. Over the last few years users of modern technology such as phones and computers will have noticed the rapid advancements in battery life, and increase in storage capacity, in conjunction with reducing prices.Well now bicycle lighting seems to going the same way with new Hi-intensity LED# lights providing massively increased brightness and run-times thanks to NiMh# batteries, combined with robust and lightwieght units. For
those of us who ride in the dark the problem really is which model to
purchase - all are slightly different, and are likley to be very quickly
superseded by something better. #Light
Emitting Diode - a solid state device as opposed to a filament lamp on
a conventional light. |
OCT 2006 |
A year on from the death of Brenda Kerry, a coffee morning was held at the family home in Newton St. Cyres to remember her. Many members turned up from Exeter and adacent areas, to remeber Brenda, and pledge support to her family |
OCT 2006 |
Dartmoor Devil 2006 - Riders swelter in summer temperatures. Two
groups of iders set out from Bovey Tracey on 29th October.
OCT 2006 |
funded to back awareness of climate change. CTC Fundraiser, Chris Peck, said: "Cyclists are already ahead of the game - every trip we make on the bike rather than the car does something to reduce our own impact. As we and the rest of the population understand more about the challenge of climate change we will begin to do more about it. "
OCT 2006 |
200 expected to start DARTMOOR DEVIL on Sunday 29th Only
a few hours until 200 riders convene at Bovey Tracey for the 2006 Dartmoor
Devil. www.dartmoordevil.co.uk |
OCT 2006 |
The CTC have officialy opened their new national offices in Guildford on 19th October. Tom Harris MP, the minister with responsibility for cycling, did the honours and took the opportunity to watch a demonstration of the recently-launched Bikeability training for children. The Local Groups conference also took place there at the weekend, and 60 delegates and councillors and CTC staff spent the weekend dicussing a variety of topics, and undertaking workshops. For more information on the story and pictures of our new National Office <<CLICK HERE>> |
OCT 2006 |
Davey has passed away. Cecil Davey has died suddenly. Aged 87 Cecil was one of Devon DA's longest standing members and amongst the many things which he will be remembered for was his record breaking ride on a tandem from Exeter to Plymouth and back. Cecil was the stoker on a Tandem in 1937, when along with E.R.Johnston they attempted to break the Exeter - Plymouth - Exeter tandem record along the old A38. This they did in 3 hours 50 mins and 30 secs. - the record still stands today as far as we know. His funeral took place in Exeter on 23rd October. The CTC send their condolences, and best wishes to Cecils family. |
OCT 2006 |
OCT 2006 |
CTC's Roy Gable had an unfortunate accident on Kings Ash Hill in Paignton. |
OCT 2006 |
results Despite heavy thunderstorms, 10 riders competed in the "Downhill & Up Competition" hosted by the South Hams CTC. The final results were: